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Weird Science

12 Monkeys Cast

(1852) Cole, Cassie, Jennifer and Hannah arrive at a saloon where they order drinks, as a paino plays a song 130 years before its time; Hannah notices something strange about the paino player.

Life After Death

Stephen Barton - 12 Monkeys (Original Series Soundtrack)

00:01 2043 - Jones contemplates her life; flashback to one of Eliot's experiments going awry.

The Munsters' Theme

12 Monkeys Cast

(1852) Jones continues to play on the piano as Hannah stares at her father when The Tall Man arrives.

The Good, The Bad, and the Primary

Stephen Barton - 12 Monkeys (Original Series Soundtrack)

00:07 May 1852 - Cassie, Cole, Jennifer and Hannah arrive in Montana and take out a group of guys that confront them.

Knight Rider Theme

12 Monkeys Cast

Jones returns to the paino after speaking with The Tall Man when Cole comes in and begins shooting up the place; Hannah stabs Elliot with the de-splinter, he disppears.

Weird Science


00:11 May 1852 - Played on the piano, as the quartet enter a saloon; Jennifer points out a bunch of anachronisms in the bar, including the Oingo Boingo tune being played.

The Munsters Theme


00:12 May 1852 - Played on the piano, as Cassie asks Hannah what her father is doing in the past.

Knight Rider Theme


00:14 May 1852 - Eliot plays the piano as Cole bursts in to rob the saloon.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.