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Salesman At the Day of the Parade

Rogue Wave

At the hospital, Jess visits Justin.

Half Gate

Grizzly Bear - Shields: Expanded

Time-lapse; everyone in the hospital waiting room.

Washing of the Water

Peter Gabriel - Us (Remastered)

Clay holds Justin's hand; Everyone in the waiting room.


Eskmo - 13 Reasons Why (A Netflix Original Series Score)

At church, Clay and Jess hold hands; (repeats) Clay reads Justin's college essay.

On the Floor

Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately

All the friends leave their parents and teachers to sit together on the bleachers and share their dreams.

Take Care

Beach House - Teen Dream

The group looks out over the town.

Half Light II (No Celebration)

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

Tony and Clay say goodbye to Clay's parents and Caleb.

A Kid No More

Eskmo - 13 Reasons Why: Season 3 (A Netflix Original Series Score)

Winston and Alex hug outside of Monet's; Winston walks away and Alex looks at his friends inside; (repeats) Alex and the hooker.

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