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The Seige - Duality

00:01 Spencer works out alone on the field, while recalling what's been going on with his family.

Man Listen

Belly - Man Listen - Single

00:09 Spencer walks down the street in Crenshaw, while listening to music on his headphones.


Jay Rock - Redemption

00:15 Spencer watches in silence as he watches his former teammates celebrate at the Crenshaw rally.

Taking Over The Game

Oliver Mason, Christopher Dececio

00:27 People start arriving for the Championship game.

Warriors (feat. Steven Malcolm)

Tommee Profitt - Cinematic Songs (Vol. 4)

00:34 Montage of Crenshaw getting a touchdown, then Spencer being tackled.

We Got the Power

Down-N-Out - Downnout - Single

00:35 Spencer tackles Chris.

All Star Athletes

Inside Tracks - Drumline

00:43 Spencer tells Coach Baker he's sorry for walking off the field, but he's ready to play.


Garrison Starr - Bones - Single

00:55 Billy goes to stay with his father; Layla starts destroying her father's furnishings; Olivia consoles Layla.

We Got the Power

DownNout - DownNout

After Spencer talks to Coach Billy game starts and Spencer tackles chris

Feel the Need

Eryn Allen Kane - Feel the Need - Single

00:57 The James family plays a game together; Cory tells Spencer that he was offered a coaching position at South Crenshaw.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.