Addie Hamilton & Rune Westberg
Adam and Bonnie stroll down the street and talk about the stars. Continues under the title card.
Freedom Fry - Come Bring Your Love - Single
Bonnie, Kathleen and Diana meet for lunch and to catch up; Diana and Kathleen end up getting in an argument and leaving Bonnie alone; Title card.
Bonnie shows up at Steve's office to ask him to come to Jessica's birthday party.
Diana and Thomas are having sex, and shocked when his wife comes home.
X Virtue, Rachael Cantu - Power
Diana hooks up with a man she meets at the bank. They end up having sex in his car.
Kathleen stops a man at the market to ask if he's gay, and if he has any advice as to how she can get her gay boyfriend to like her.
Buried Beds - Stars (Clementine & the Galaxy Remix) - Single
Kathleen is devastated after learning Greg is gay. She comes home, pours a drink and curls up on the couch. Continues as Bonnie and her daughters hang out and talk about Jessica's birthday party.
Army Navy - Saints / Get Right Back (Where We Started From)
Diana brings Bishop a bottle of scotch, and asks for her job back; after she promises to work harder than ever, he agrees to take her back.
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