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Whisper Something

Aaron Sprinkle - Water & Guns

The housemates return from the latest matchup.

The Beautiful Days Attack

Scars On 45

Briana is having a hard time adjusting to Curtis not being in the house.

Wish You Were Here

The Darling Minds - Wish You Were Here - Single

The housemates find out their next challenge.

The Last One to Leave the Party

Imperial Mammoth

The guys are ready to get the results from the latest challenge.

I Can't Go Now (feat. Keith Masters)

Sarah Leichtenberg - Sarah

The girls hang out with their family members after the challenge and mingle with the guys.

Don't Look Strange

Calhoun - Paperweights - EP

John and Jasmine find out the results of the truthbooth.

Don't Go Away

Wrings - Phases - EP

The couples are shocked when they discover the results of the latest matchup.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.