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Be My Lover

Alice Cooper - Play Glam Rock

Ash puts smashed up candy in sink in bathroom. Then Amanda arrests Ash and accuses him of murder. They start to brawl until she manages to get the upper hand.

Freakin Out

Death - ...For the Whole World to See

Pablo tosses Ash his chainsaw. Ash, Pablo and Kelly battle the deadites inside the restaurant. Ash and Pablo watch Kelly brutally smash one deadite's head with a meat hammer on a meat slice

Offer To Fisher / Handy Escape / She Was Ruby

Joseph LoDuca - Ash vs Evil Dead (Music From the Starz Original Series)

Background score music as Ash invites Amanda to join them on their quest.


Styx - Now That's What I Call Classic Rock

Amanda agrees to join Ash to fight deadites. The song starts right after Ash says "Lets Boogie!" and it continues during the credits.  

Is It My Body

Alice Cooper - Love It to Death

Pablo comes into the trailer and finds Kelly smoking pot from the shotgun and she attempts to seduce/kill him.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.