Montage as Jenna tries on clothing as she inner-monologues about when tell Matty she's still in love with him when parents come into her room with news about the baby.
Colleen Green - I Want to Grow Up
In imagines professing her love for Matty in the cafeteria with everyone celebrating them.
Springtime Carnivore - Springtime Carnivore
At the party, Lacey tells stories about her pregnancies; Jenna talks to Tamara about what Lacey did but Tamara tells her she agrees with what Lacey did when Ally cuts the cake revealing the sex.
Gemma Hayes - Bones + Longing (Bonus Track Version)
Matty drops Jenna off home; inside the house, Jenna begins to cry as does Lacey on way to the bathroom sees her and comes to her to console her.
The Holy Coast - The Holy Coast EP
As the setup for the party, Lacey reveals to Jenna that she sent Matty away during Spring Break after blow Jenna off after she helped him which cause a fight between the two as guests arrive.
Tamara tells Jenna way doesn't think her and Matty are a good idea and advises her to think things through for she tells him; Lacey readies to cut the gender reveal cake when Val arrives.
On their date, Jenna & Matty talk about colleges and as they do Jenna decides to do the mature things and tells him to go the Berkeley instead of tell him that she loves him.
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