Jenna, Matty, Tamara, Luke and Scully have breakfast at a diner as they discuss getting Jake fired with their latest stunt and how to make up to him, they decide on throwing him a party.
At the staff meeting Ideabin, Lizzy tells the other staff members why decide to start up the company; Jenna begins to realise she isn't meeting Ideabin expectations and sets out succeed them.
Outside of the Hamilton's house, Sadie and Sergio make out in Sergio’s car and discover that they've both learn some new tricks while they were broken up.
Jenna worried over her articles then tries finds if Matty tries Ideabin; Jenna & Luke do shots; Patrick asks out Tamara; Jake tells Ally that Derek fired him, so she forces Derek to rehire him.
Tokyo Denmark Sweden - Got Me All Night - EP
Jake and Lissa have an honesty conversation at the party after Lissa confront Jake about taking back his job at the country club, afterwards they break up.
Jenna and Luke gush over the positive response to Jenna's article when Matty comes over and confronts her about the article; Scully calls Jenna out on her wronging of Matty.
Matty tells Jenna that she knows nothing about their break up and how it effected him, then tells her that they can't be friends; Jenna tries to apologise to Matty but he leaves.
Jake's party (plays throughout the first party before Jake arrives and afterwards).
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