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Walking With Giants

Blondfire - Where the Kids Are - EP

Jenna & Tamara talk about Eva while decorating the senior hallway.


sami.the.great - sami.the.great

Jenna asks Matty if he's okay; Matty walks away from Jenna with Mackenzie.

Big Timer

Junior Prom - Junior Prom - EP

The Seniors vs. Sophomores powder puff game begins; Jenna's voice over.

I Hate You

The Shining Twins

The Senior and Sophomore girls fight each other on the football field.


Rokhsan - Heartbeat

The Seniors and Sophomores compete in a chubby bunny contest.

Melts in Your Mouth

Jay Deasel & Normie Smith

The Sophomore sluts are introduced.

Sha Bang Bang (feat. Mike Taylor)

Dice Raw

In their jungle-themed hallway the Sophomores dance while Val judges the their decorated hallway theme for the contest.


Soldout - More

Tamara stays up late as she catfishes Jake.

Turn Up

Decatur Redd

The Sophomores enter the powder puff football game.

Can't Bring Me Down

The Launderettes - Every Heart Is a Time Bomb

Jake, Matty & the other senior guys move from sitting on the senior sideline to sitting on the sophomore sideline.

Falling Fast


The Sophomores celebrate a touchdown.


Lauryn Vyce

On the side of the road Matty & Jake party with the sophomore sluts; Matty wrecks his car.


The Archies - Lost 45s The 60s

Sophomore sluts are in their hallway for spirit week and it's decorated like a jumgle

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