The Johnson's decide to head down the protest and join; End monologue and montage.
Marvin Gaye - 202 Motown Songs: The Complete No. 1s
Opening monologue and montage; (Flashback) Dre watches the news coverage of the (1980) Miami race riots; (Present day) The Johnson's watches the riots on news the kids have questions.
Peabo Bryson & Roberta Flack - Love's Greatest Hits
(Flashback) Dre asks Mamas who Peabo Bryson is so she heads him a cassette player with Peabo Bryson already playing on it.
Roberta Flack - Bedroom Classics, Vol. 2
(Flashback) Dre asks Mamas who Peabo Bryson is; she heads him a cassette player playing Peabo Bryson.
Dre's voiceover, black and white newspaper headlines, and the Kennedys at JFK's funeral.
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