S2 E2 - (11 Songs)
Sweet Cheater - Eatin' Ain't Cheatin'
Alex gets busted for slacking off.
B Lloyd
Radon makes his entrance.
The Procussions
Thad confronts Radon and turns off his music.
Beautiful Small Machines - The Robots In Love - EP
Mary Jo is introduced as a new student to BMS.
D. Williz ft. G'Z
Alex unlocks Radon's chamber.
The Waking Hours - How Does It Feel
Radon pulls out a perfect play on the field.
Tarik NuClothes - Emperor's NuClothes
The cheerleaders get hazed.
HardNox - Fist Pump - Single
Thad drives his car toward Radon.
Southpaw Swagger - Pre-Fight Hype Vs. Southpaw Swagger
Alex and Radon go toe to toe.
D Jon
Mary Jo gets fed up and confronts the head cheerleaders.
Jet Stream - Jet Stream
Mary Jo plants a kiss on an unexpected guy.
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