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They Didn't Believe Me

Peter Mintun - Grand Piano

Nucky and Eli talk in the Ritz lobby

Magnetic Rag

Jonathan Starkey - Piano Ragtime

Jimmy squeezes OJ w/ Laudanum for Pearl

Minstrel Boy/Danny Boy

Stewart Lerman

Nucky, Eli & Ward bosses debate St. Patty's day alcohol supplies

Roddy McCorley-Follow Me Up to the Carlow

Regina Mandolin Orchestra - Celtic Mandolin

Margaret & Mrs. McGarry ask Nucky to deal with beer barrels

I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time

Albert Campbell

Margaret dresses to see Nucky, waits but doesn't see him and rips lingerie

Wall St Rag

Jonathan Starkey

Jimmy tells Pearl a story, then hears a gunshot

Roddy Mccorley-Follow Me up to Carlow

Regina Mandolin Orchestra - Celtic Mandolin

Margaret & Mrs. McGarry ask Nucky to deal with beer barrels

Wall St. Rag

Jonathan Starkey - Piano Ragtime

Jimmy tells Pearl a story, then hears a gunshot

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.