Song playing on radio in bodega while Abbi tries to return Dunkaroos & girl behind counter asks her if she knows her name (SEE BELOW for LINK & DETAILS)
Shiftee - Dope Girls (feat. TT the Artist) - Single
OPENING SCENE: The girls drive through the city in their new car.
Alana atempts to park as Abby directs her only to realize they're trying park a drive way; Alana and Abby drive around looking for a parking space.
With a higher confidence, Abby and her bag head into Anthropologie, Abby asks to speak to the manager.
Abby gets to Anthropologie expecting to have a big job only to find out she's been hired as security; Sunil checks in with Abby.
Robin Loxley & Smudge Mason - Baroque Pop
Abby gets to Anthropologie expecting to have a big job only to find out she's been hired as security; Sunil checks in with Abby.
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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.