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The Good Life

Cracker - Gentleman's Blues

Buffy gets to the Prom.


Kool & The Gang - Totally '80s for Kids

Hell Hounds are distracted by this song which, according to Buffy, "sucks"


Kool and The Gang

The song which makes the hellhounds run back toward the Prom.

Wild Horses

The Sundays

Buffy and Angel dance at the Prom.

El Rey

The Lassie Foundation - Through and Through

Plays as Giles tells Wesley he has "the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone," and advises him to ask Cordelia to dance and stop "fluttering about."

The Beginning of the End

Christophe Beck

Angel breaks up with Buffy

Class Protector

Christophe Beck

Buffy receives "Class Protector" award from her classmates

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