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Magic Moments

Perry Como - Christmas Hits and Highlights Volume 12

At the reunion of the Scots Guards, Joe begins to tell a story as everyone gathers to listen; Jenny helps Jimmy sneak into Nonnatus House; Sister Evangelina, Cynthia & Chummy head out for work as they pass by Chummy & Peter flirt as they pass by each other; Jenny runs into Fred on the docks carting product for a new venture.

Before The Ending Of The Day

Call The Midwife Cast

Jenny looks off into the distance, contemplating on Joe’s words to her; Sister Julienne leads the nuns choir during compline hour; Jenny visits Joe at the hospital after his amputation surgery.

Nunc dimittis (Song of Simeon)

Call The Midwife Cast

Jenny cries as she hold Joe’s hand as he lays in bed; Sister Bernadette leads the choir as they sing during compline hour; Jenny gathers at Joe’s burial with a priest.

You're Just In Love (I Wonder Why)

Perry Como - Perry Como With the Fontane Sisters

Jenny opens up Joe’s final gift to her, a bottle of El Cid wine, as Jimmy arrives; Jenny and Jimmy toast to Joe; Ted Lawson proudly arrives to the clinic with his son, still besotted with being a parent; Next time preview; End credits.

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