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You for Me

Frankie Rose - Herein Wild

Nev & Max read over Bianca’s email to them about her online relationship with Brogan.

Broken Promise Land

Claire - The Great Escape (Bonus Track Version)

Nev & Max travel to North Carolina to meet with Bianca in person, as they do they also meet up with Selita Ebanks who joins them on the case.

Flashed Junk Mind

Milky Chance - Sadnecessary (Bonus Track Version)

Nev, Max & Selita drive to Bianca’s house to meet with her for the first time.

Man to Man

Shanee Pink - Spreading in the Light - EP

Montage as Nev, Max & Selita investigate Brogan.


Alice Boman - EP II (+ Skisser)

Nev, Max and Selita give Bianca the results of their research on Brogan.

Mother & Father


Nev, Max, Selita and Bianca fly to Indiana to meet Brogan in person that Bianca can meet him.

Sinking Stone

GEMS - Medusa - EP

Nev, Max Selita & Bianca leave after meeting Brogan who turns out to be a girl named Tia, for the first time.

Read In Between The Lines

Scars On 45

Nev, Max and Selita meet with Tia alone to try to get her to explain herself to Bianca then drive her to meet with to Bianca again.



Bianca & Tia sit down alone to talk about their relationship and future.

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