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Belle Mare - The Boat of the Fragile Mind

Nev talks with Jennifer in the car after confronting Skylar when Max joins them back inside the car they then drive away from Skylar's home.

Older Brother

Pepper Rabbit - Beauregard

Nev, Max and Jennifer take photos and play around in a park as they talk about the current situation at hand.

The Golden Haze

Automatic Empire

Nev & Max catch up with Jennifer on Skype sometime later, they talk about how she's handling things now and her current life.

See You

The You And Me Ensemble - Through The Forests And Into The Fields

Nev & Max read over an email from Jennifer detail her relationship with Skylar.

This Old Ghost Town

The Fratellis - We Need Medicine

Nev & Max travel to Iowa to meet Jennifer in person.

Teenage Love

Team Spirit - Team Spirit - EP

After speaking with Jennifer, Nev and Max go back to their hotel to research Skylar online.

Find It

Family of the Year - Loma Vista

Jennifer reacts to the information that Nev and Max tell her what they were able to find out about Skylar during their investigation.


Matt Pond - The Lives Inside the Lines in Your Hand

Nev & Max return to Jennifer to tell that Skylar has agreed to meet her in person.


Ian Love

Jennifer reacts to the news that she'll be heading to San Francisco to meet Skylar in person.


Bear Mountain - XO

Nev, Max & Jennifer drive to Chicago to catch their flight to San Francisco to meet Skylar.

I've Been Alone Too Long

Soko - I Thought I Was an Alien

Nev, Max & Jennifer fly to San Francisco to meet Skylar.

Run Run

Ian Love

In her hotel room, Jennifer mentally prepares herself as she readies to meet Skylar in person when Nev & Max arrive to retrieve for the meeting.


Cairo - Young Love - EP

Nev, Max & Jennifer drive to Skylar’s home for the meeting.

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