Snowglobe - Little More Lived In
Nev & Max read Trina’s e-mail about her and Lee aka "Scorpio" relationship.
Stephanie Mabey - Wake Up Dreaming
Nev & Max video chat with Trina, they arrange a meeting with her to help her unite with Scorpio.
Trina’s friends tell Nev & Max what they know of Scorpio and how they've see theri relationship.
Trina talks to Nev & Max about her and Scorpio being in love and their future together.
The Deadly Syndrome - All in Time
Trina, Max & Nev leave the store to go get hot chocolate and continue talking.
Brendan Benson - What Kind Of World
Nev & Max meet Trina then they all go to meet with bring Scorpio for the first time.
Trina talks with her best friend over the phone along with Nev & Max about how she feels after her first meeting with Lee as they drive back home.
Trina & Lee meet again at a park, there they sit and converse with each other.
After smooth things over, Trina & Lee joke around, hug and take photos together.
Lucius - Wildewoman (Extended Edition)
Max & Nev catch up with Trina & Lee over video chat; Trina introduces them to the real Scorpio.
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