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Company of Thieves

Georgie - Company of Thieves - Single

00:05 Maggie and Mel tells Macy that Fiona is alive, then they need to work to convince her not to tell Charity or Harry.


Joy Oladokun - Carry

00:07 Harry and Charity lie in bed and reminisce about their time together before she became an Elder.

Knock Down The Doors

JG Daydream

00:17 Parker tells Maggie the good news about his demonic side stabilizing; Maggie comments on how Lucy is always around; Lucy joins Parker and Maggie, asks how the video collage is coming along, then gives them drinks dosed with something.


Kristen Schaeffer - Bloom - EP

00:28 Macy tells her sisters about Charity's suggestion of binding her powers.

Asleep at the Heel

Joe Cardamone - Holy War

00:30 Parker starts to feel woozy after getting out of the shower.

Remember Me

Eivør - Bridges

00:55 Flashback to Charity realizing she killed Marisol; The sisters tearfully discuss their mother's death.

Set Me Free

Sun Heat - Set Me Free - Single

00:58 Parker explains to Maggie why he thinks his father gave him a demonic infection; Alistair rescues Charity as she's being taken to Tartarus.

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