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Storm In My Heart

Judy Proctor - Popcorn Hits, Vol. 7

00:01 Hilda looks at the rain outside Doctor Cerberus', then cozies up with Dr. Cee.


Sex Pistols - No Future UK?

Harvey listens to the song while drawing the hanging man.

Stop the Raindrops

The Incredibles - The Incredibles

00:25 Mrs. McGarvey offers to read Roz's cards.


Bobby Darin - Atlantic 60th: Rainy Day Refrain

Ambrose receives his tarot cards which includes the hierophant and the devil.

Under the Chandelier

Tom Howe & Stephen Tait - Pomp and Whimsy

00:38 Zelda's vision of catching Faustus cheating on her.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.