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If You Leave


Chuck ties up Morgan & mopes over Sarah leaving.

A Question and An Answer

Tim Jones

Chuck sits on the floor and asks Sarah about her feelings to him


The Antlers - Sense8: Season 1 (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack)

Shaw tells Sarah she killed his wife during her Red Test; repeats as Shaw drags Sarah to the river; Chuck shoots Shaw.

Bye Bye Bye

Plants and Animals - Parc Avenue

Sarah & Chuck kiss as General Beckman calls.

A Question and a Spy

Tim Jones - Chuck (Music From the Television Series)

Chuck sits on the floor and asks Sarah about if she loves him.

Action Theme

Tim Jones - Chuck (Original Television Soundtrack)

Sarah says they have a mission; Morgan runs in; Sarah hooks herself to the repel line; Chuck looks into the elevator shaft.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.