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Blown Away

The Expelled - Riotous Assembly

00:03 New Jersey, 1977 - Jane dances around at The Void punk club, then starts a fight after a guy knocks her to the ground and is arrested.

Ring My Bell

Anita Ward - Disco Inferno Dance All Night

00:40 The psychiatric patients head outside to dance in the street; Jane and Cliff hear faint music, then a door opens; The Eye starts dissolving the patients.

Hot Love (Single Version)

T. Rex - Electric Warrior (Remastered)

Chief driving away from the psychiatric facility.

Hot Love

T. Rex - Electric Warrior (Remastered)

00:53 1977 - As The Chief drives Jane away from the psychiatric hospital, she receives a message from Morden about a task to do after The Decreator is taken care of; Present day - Jane paints outside the mansion, then has a sudden thought about The Doom Patrol.

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