East of My Youth - East of My Youth - EP
Lauren leaves Liam wondering if he'd really fake a relationship just to kill time before eventually getting back with Karma; Amy and Karma jump on Karma's new bed with Amy's house.
Shane tells Noah and Karma that their band has a gig for a mysterious party by a surprise celebrity; Karma asks Shane about the tension between him and Noah; Karma tells Liam knows Booper is fake.
Gloria Estefan - The Essential Gloria Estefan
Karma tries to start a spontaneous roomie dance party and finds Amy in her room crying.
Karma comforts Amy after her confession to her about wanting to be with Sabrina.
Everyone beings to arrive at the NYE party; Karma rechecks with Amy to make sure she's doing the right thing in going out with Felix; Lauren and Liam record their entry to the party.
Lauren finds out Lisbeth is the host of the party and the new star of the TV show "Just Joan"; Amy and Felix have an awkward pre-date; Lauren tells Lisbeth about dating Liam to make her jealous.
Karma search for Felix when she turns into Liam, she tells him again that his relationship with Lauren is fake; Noah & Shane set up for the gig, Noah tells Shane he thinking of leaving the band.
Noah's brother, Brody, tries to convince him come home with him then misgenders him, which Shane overhears and comes to Noah's defense; Liam tries to convince Lauren they need to break up.
Sabrina arrives at the party; Karma help Sabrina with Amy; Liam searches for Lauren then overhears Lisbeth confrontation with Lauren; Shane understands Noah; Amy tells Felix to ready for midnight.
XYconstant - Do It Well (feat. Tom Aspaul) - Single
Lisbeth announces it's almost midnight; Lauren readies to leave the party when she runs into Liam, she tells him to break up with her so she can go home but he tells her he wants to remain together.
Karma, Noah and Shane sing as couple dance; Liam and Lauren kiss then being to feel a spark between then as they dance; Sabrina thanks Amy for giving her a second chance, they dance together.
Karma apologizes to Felix hurting him by helping Sabrina and Amy get back together but he tells her it's okay because he wanted to kiss someone else then kisses her.
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