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Fade into You

Mazzy Star - So Tonight That I Might See

[Original Broadcast] After Ben and Felicity are sitting on the stoop and the montage begins and we hear Sally talk at the end.

All I Need

Air - Moon Safari

Opening scene - Felicity and Noel are playing boggle

All I Need

Air & Beth Hirsch - Moon Safari

Opening scene - Felicity and Noel are playing boggle

Song for the Angels

Great Lake Swimmers - Bodies and Minds

Felicity watches Ben at track team tryouts.

Reading Between the Lines of an Empty Page

Jonathan Inc. - Things Done and Left Undone

Sally's voice- over begins, Julie watches movie with Zach, Noel talks on the phone, Ben walks along track, Felicity walks through streets.

Here Comes the Flood

Peter Gabriel - Shaking the Tree: Sixteen Golden Greats (Remastered)

As Felicity is watching Ben try out for track, while Noel is looking for her and sees her watching Ben.

The Morning After

Dunderhoney - A Spoonful of Dunderhoney

Felicity is watching Ben running

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