George Arthur - Indie Pop Café
00:01 Liz suggests to Carter that she shouldn't mix work and pleasure and that older guys might have different expectations.
Ben and his foster sister, Livia, arrive at the party, he introduces her to the gang, they talk in the kitchen before Bird steals her away.
Everyone gathers cozily on the back lawn; Bird sings; Taylor talks with Max about the college tour.
Ben arrives to talk with Carter, he tells her he's taking Liv to rehab then thanks her for helping with Liv and they begin to talk about how great Lori was the night before, Liz hears it all.
Asher Book - Fame (More Music from the Motion Picture)
Ben arrives to talk with Carter, he tells her he's taking Liv to rehab then thanks her for helping with Liv and they begin to talk about how great Lori was the night before, Liz hears it all.
00:05 Gabe joins Taylor for a study session and tries to get her to talk about what happened at the frat party.
Sleep Machine - Cover Me in Gold - EP
00:07 Jared and Carter's kiss is interrupted by Ben arriving to borrow her car.
00:09 Carter finds out that Jared has to work on what she thought was their date night.
00:13 Ben introduces Olivia to the group, then everyone thanks Seth for getting them into the concert; Ben comments on Olivia's sobriety.
Ben and Olivia, arrive at the party, he introduces her to the gang; Seth passes out drinks,Taylor declines and Ben declines for Liv; Ben & Liv talk in the kitchen when Bird steals her away.
00:16 Carter arrives at the house concert and gives an extended explanation of her family connections.
Carter arrives at the house concert, after almost being refused to be allowed in she give the bouncer the unabridged version of her, Taylor and Ben's life story confusing her.
The Knocks - Big Beat Yearbook 2015
00:17 The concert starts; Carter tells Taylor about Jared having to work; Ben introduces Carter to Olivia.
00:19 Performed as everyone dances; Ben pulls Olivia aside and they end up arguing.
00:20 Max asks Damon if anything happened with Taylor on the campus tour.
00:26 While they work on the basement, Reagan comments on David's book and asks Grant if Lori is now living in town.
Lee Richardson, Richard Macklin, Tom Ford & Dave Delarre
00:30 Taylor denies that anything happened on the campus tour.
00:38 Grant thanks Reagan for helping paint the basement; Carter looks in on Olivia and Ben; Lori asks Carter about the guy in her life.
Max question Taylor about the college tour but she dismisses his questions.
00:41 Max watches Gabe and Taylor dancing together, then Taylor runs after Max when she sees him leave.
00:46 Carter returns to the bar and discovers that Jared set up a romantic dinner for them.
00:47 Reagan turns up the radio, then she and Grant dance and have their first kiss.
00:48 Bird sings; Taylor tells Max that she feels partly responsible for what happened at the frat party, then she gets a call from Elizabeth.
00:54 Jared brings Carter coffee in bed, then they kiss; Carter arrives home and climbs in to bed.
00:58 Carter thanks Elizabeth for letting her and Taylor go to the concert; Ben drops by to tell Carter that he's taking Olivia to rehab; Elizabeth overhears Ben and Carter talking about how Lori isn't so bad.
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