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Facing East

Music Library

Rusty scores on his own team.

The Happy Dreamer

Simon Stewart / De Wolfe Music

The Kappa Taus run to the game.

Don't Play Nice


The ZBZs get the Kappa Taus drunk.

Summer Stay

All Smiles - Ten Readings of a Warning

Dale stops by as Rusty & Calvin play air hockey.

I Know

The Explosion

Kappa Tau vs Omega Chi floor hockey.

Tiny Spark

Brendan Benson - Lapalco

Everyone hangs out at Dopler's after the game; Calvin reveals that he's gay to Rusty.

California Blur

Echo Jet - Echo Jet

Rusty practices hockey while talking with Calvin.


Fredalba - Uptown Music for Downtown Kids

Kappa Tau plays Lambda Sig in an intramural floor hockey game.

I Know You

Lindsay Price

Rebecca warns Casey she has competition for the next sorority president.

Messin' Around

The Woods

Casey steals control of the athletic support meeting from Rebecca.

The Dirty Girlz

Shapes Of Race Cars

Cappie drags Casey into the closet to talk.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.

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