Meredith heads to her class; Amelia and Owen snuggle in bed after sex; Jo stumbles across an engagement ring while she and Alex search for his keys; Meredith calls in her class to attention.
Katie Bryce begins to tell Amelia that she wants Derek when Meredith recognizes Katie as the patient from first day as a doctor; (flashback) Katie has a seizure on Meredith's first day.
Alex, Jackson, Ben & Owen talk about their relationships while working; Penny joins Stephanie & Jo in the cafeteria; Callie asks April how she's doing after the divorce; Maggie & Andrew make-out.
Amelia takes Katie into surgery; Daphne informs Meredith that David is coming to see her, then Meredith & Nathan rush her into surgery; Meredith flashes back to her first day when she sees Katie.
Amelia adds her paperwork to Katie's file; Owen tells Amelia they can start over if she wants; David views Daphne's body; Meredith reminds her class to be thankful for the donated bodies.
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