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On the Sly

The Bamboos - Crazy, Stupid, Love (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

The Chief announces a grant to the doctors, then tells the fouth years residents they are attending for the day; Lexie is told she doesn't get to be an attending.

You Always Make Me Smile

Kyle Andrews - You Always Make Me Smile - Single

The attendings discuss their presentations to The Chief; Arizona asks Alex if he talked to Seth's mother; Meredith & Avery carve eggs in competition to do Derek's surgery.

Look Alive

Wait. Think. Fast

Lexie assists Meredith on a craniotomy; Alex begins the breast surgery on Seth; Teddy heads in to the transplant panel after chatting with Bailey; Derek arrives to check on Meredith's surgery.

Head or Your Heart

Mat Kearney - Head or Your Heart - Single

Cristina takes a blood sample from Roy; the residents head home; The Chief congratulates Owen on getting the grant; Derek looks worried when Meredith has problems finding her house keys.

Look Alive

Wait. Think. Fast. - Luces del Sur

Meredith and Alex perform solo surgeries. Families in the waiting room. Cristina overhears Teddy say she's no better than an intern.

On the Sly (feat. Kylie Auldist)

The Bamboos - The Best of the Tru Thoughts Years

Beginning of episode. Richard's two speeches to the Attending and the Residents. Mere reassures Cristina. 

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.