George's dream about Meredith, Izzie and Cristina showering together.
KT Tunstall - KT Tunstall's Acoustic Extravaganza
Mere talks to Hannah the paramedic while prepping bomb in a body cavity guy for surgery. Derek, Burke, and Addie talk while scrubbing in for their surgeries.
Hannah tells Mere and Cristina that Dr. Milton left. Dylan and Burke realize things really are as bad as they seem. Hannah panics and runs out. Mere takes her place.
Ursula 1000 - Here Comes Tomorrow
After Izzie and George decide to be doers, Izzie decides to do Alex.
Anna Nalick - Wreck of the Day
This song is used in episode 17, "(As We Know It)," which has the description above, but is listed as episode 18.
Psapp - Grey's Anatomy, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 (Original Soundtrack)
PLEASE NOTE: The songs listed here are for the episode titled "It's the End of the World," which is episode 16. The episode description is for episode 17, "(As We Know It)".
Tucker's surgery; Bailey's delivery; Meredith starts to panic during Burke's surgery.
The bomb squad, Meredith, and Cristina move the bomb in the body cavity to another OR.
Foy Vance - Grey's Anatomy, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 (Original Soundtrack)
Just after Derek describes his and Mere's last kiss when they were together and happy.
George checks on Meredith, who is having her hair and face washed of ash and blood from the explosion by Cristina and Izzie. Bailey introduces her husband to their newborn son.
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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.