Mere apologizes to George again. Izzie worries by Denny's bedside until he wakes up. Cristina continues to be angry about Burke & George's friendship. Derek & Addie talk about their marital problems.
Cristina tells Bailey that she doesn't babysit. Burke operates on Denny. Addie delivers her patient's baby, then discovers the husband is no longer interested.
The Last Town Chorus - Wire Waltz
Meredith is walking the aneurysm patient to MRI; Derek is looking at films while talking to Addison; Denny and Izzie are playing Scrabble
Sing-Sing - Grey's Anatomy, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 (Original Soundtrack)
George cuts his hair. Derek and Mere talk about the horrible thing she won't tell him. Cristina is freaked out by Burke and George's friendship.
Psapp - Grey's Anatomy, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 (Original Soundtrack)
PLEASE NOTE: The songs listed here are for the episode titled "Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole" which is episode 20. The episode description is for episode 21, "Superstition".
Denny and others in surgery. Izzie admits to having feelings for Denny.
Anna Nalick - Wreck of the Day
Webber and Thatcher talk in front of the surgical board; Dr. Bailey talks with brain surgery patient.
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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.