In the beginning when Derek is tired of Meredith's snoring and Izzie is making French toast
It's: Here We Go Again UK Surf version
In the beginning when Derek is tired of Meredith's snoring and Izzie is making French toast. ::Note, version below is incorrect::
Derek & Meredith bicker in bed; George discovers Izzie deposited the check.
Bailey takes George's father off his ventilator; Izzie & Bailey talk.
Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
Callie tells Addison about George's kiss; Addison reveals she aborted Mark's baby eight months ago.
Susanna and the Magical Orchestra & Susanna - Melody Mountain
Bailey and the Chief talk to George's family about taking Mr. O'Malley off life support.
Alex & Addison kiss at the bar; Derek tries out the wax ear plugs.
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