00:19 Clone Audrey takes Nathan into Haven; a montage of scenes flash by as Nathan remembers his time with Audrey.
00:32 Nathan says goodbye to Audrey; Vince, Audrey and Croatoan remove everyone's troubles and create a new barn.
Tom Day - Tom Day & Monsoonsiren - EP
Nathan says his final words to Audrey during the montage of the troubles coming to an end. Audrey, Vince and Croatoan charge the new barn inside the amory while Nathan watches it implode.
In-Flight Safety - Conversationalist
00:37 Gloria tells Nathan the DNA marker for troubles has completely disappeared; Vickie gives Nathan a sketch of Audrey.
Captain & Tennille - A&M 50: The Anniversary Collection
00:42 Paige slams Nathan's fingers in the car door, Croatoan asks Vince if he's sure Audrey couldn't return as herself.
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