Sampa the Great - Final Form - Single
The song plays right when the episode begins, and Amerie talks about her friendship with Harper.
Amerie and her friends from school are listening to this song in the car.
Christine and the Queens - Christine and the Queens
After the scene where Amerie gets hit and her nose starts bleeding.
After someone calls her a ‘Psycho Map Bitch’, Amerie grabs a rock and breaks the window; the wall is being re-painted.
Vanessa Carlton - The Bridge School Collection, Vol. 2 (Live)
Amerie goes to the beach and spends time by herself, crying her eyes out.
Hamlet Minassian - Armenian Pop Music
Quinni listens to this song on her headphones while browsing the internet, and misses Darren’s call.
Kemo the Blaxican - Latin Hip Hop Nights (Noches de Hip Hop)
Darren changes his clothes in a public bathroom; while having lunch with her mother, Amerie asks to be homeschooled.
[0:36’] Flashback of Amerie and Harper dancing in the club.
[0:45’] Amerie asks Harper what happened at the festival and why she is not talking to her anymore.
Amerie, Darren, and Quinni go to a party together and see Harper there as well.
Quinni goes to Spider and hands him a folder full of vagina photos.
Dusty asks Amerie why are they on the map together, she admits to liking him and they kiss for the first time.
Harper leaves the party with Dusty; Amerie gets home and dances in the kitchen while eating some leftovers.
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