Opening song / Jayden, Ca$h, and Chook break into a shop and start stealing the goods.
Amerie burns all the items that remind her of her friendship with Harper.
Harper goes to school and talks to Dusty about what he did at the party; Dusty asks Harper out but she refuses.
[0:15’] Amerie starts daydreaming when the guys talk about their genitals, then slaps herself to wake up.
[0:21’] Repeats when Amerie watches Malakai playing basketball with Spider.
At the gym, the guys talk about the video posted by Malakai on social media while working out.
Malakai throws up after working out too hard at the gym; Harper tries to talk to Amerie and sends her a note.
Amerie and Malakai play basketball together; later, Amerie keeps ignoring Harper.
The song plays when Ca$h gives Darren a tattoo; Harper goes crying to Dusty’s house, while Amerie pays Malakai a visit at his place.
The song plays in the last scene of the episode and continues during the end credits.
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