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Get Crazy

LMFAO - Party Rock

Title card opening.

You Know It

Envy - We Get Money - EP

The guys walking on the Vegas strip.

Can't Get Enough

Impirio & Emazin - Zero Gravity

Opening Vegas montage into the guys getting dressed.

Sound the Alarm

Heavy Echo - Dangerous - EP

Ronnie telling the guys he has to go home.


Patrick Joseph - Antiques

Ronnie getting his house together for his baby.

Perfect Pour

Paul Sofsky - Couple Million

The guys having t-shirt time.

Nick of Time (Axamathic Radio Remix)

Axamathic - Nick of Time (Remixes)

Plays after Pauly & Vinny tell the guys about their up coming "BROmmitment" ceremony.

Nick of Time (Axamathic Radio Remix)

Axamathic, Aimee - Nick of Time (Remixes)

Plays after Pauly & Vinny tell the guys about their up coming "BROmmitment" ceremony.

High Street

Bona Fide - Royal Function

Coming out of commercial break, shots of Vegas montage to the guys arriving at the Special Memory Wedding Chapel for the "brommitment" ceremony

More of You

Hula Skirt - All in a Weekend - EP

As the guys celebrate outside the chapel after the "brommitment" ceremony.

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