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Smoke It Out

Kashka - Smoke It Out (Single)

00:01 Dutch has a nightmare that another version of herself shows up and slits Alvis' neck, while they're in bed together.

Iron Moon

Chelsea Wolfe

00:02 D'av contemplates what to do with Sabine.

Self Defined

Maya Payne

00:17 As the group debates how to get Sabine to talk, a Six attacks her, leading to his decapitation.

The Gunslinger

Tommy Guerrero - No Mans Land (Deluxe Version)

00:27 Johnny picks up the Sembak warrant from Bellus.

After the Fall

Chelsea Wolfe

00:34 A sexily dressed Dutch flirts with a potential Six until Johnny can confirm his identity.

I'll Keep Coming

Low Roar - 0

00:37 D'av asks Sabine about the silver box in their shared vision, then she asks D'av to help make the most of her limited window of being able to feel emotions.

In the Grottos

Caveboy - Caveboy - EP

00:41 Sabine and D'av drink and exchange details about their lives, then she asks for his promise that he won't watch Dutch kill her.

The Reckoning

Matthew Perryman Jones

00:56 Dutch walks away from Sabine's body; [0:59] continues as Dutch tells D'av that she thinks Khylen wants her to kill Aneela.

The Reckoning

UNSECRET - The Reckoning - Single

Dutch walks away from Sabine's body after shooting her; (continues) Dutch tells D'av that she thinks Khylen wants her to kill the woman who looks like her from D'av vision, Aneela.


E. Enfield & AG

00:57 Dutch examines the silver cube and discovers the safe house was made for her.

The Reckoning

UNSECRET, Matthew Perryman Jones - The Reckoning - Single

Dutch walks away from Sabine's body after shooting her; (continues) Dutch tells D'av that she thinks Khylen wants her to kill the woman who looks like her from D'av vision, Aneela.

The Reckoning (feat. Matthew Perryman Jones)

UNSECRET - The Reckoning (feat. Matthew Perryman Jones) - Single

Dutch walks away from Sabine's body after shooting her; (continues) Dutch tells D'av that she thinks Khylen wants her to kill the woman who looks like her from D'av vision, Aneela.

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