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Bring It On


00:25 Khylen and Dej Sarafan watch as Dutch takes on the security guards; D'av and Fancy end up in a firefight; Khylen finally helps Dutch take out the guards.

Chew It Like a Gun Gum

The Death Set - Michel Poiccard (Bonus Track Version)

00:32 Dutch radios Johnny for help getting back to the station; Johnny and Lucy take on the Archive guards.

Buena Vista

Jeen - Tourist (Deluxe Edition)

00:35 Johnny and Lucy continue their fight with the Archive guards, while they make Top Gun references.

All We Have


00:45 Johnny tells Dutch she can love Khylen without forgiving him, then they hug.

Where’s My Love (Alternate Version)

SYML - Hurt for Me - EP

00:46 Dutch, D'av and Johnny grab a drink; Pree refuses to let Johnny pay for drinks as they discuss Delle Seyah and Old Town; Johnny meets with Delle Seyah and shoots her in the chest.

Where's My Love

SYML - In My Body - EP

Dutch, Johnny and Da'v drink at The Royal; Johnny flashbacks back to Pawter's death; Pree and Johnny discuss Delle Seyah and Old Town; Johnny shoots Delle in memory of his love for Pawter.


Wolf Saga

00:57 Johnny and Clara check out Khylen's ship; Fancy, D'av and Dutch discuss how all the Sixes are human now, except Aneela; Dutch declares war.

Sky Is Falling


00:59 Fade to credits.

Sky Is Falling


00:59 Fade to credits.

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