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frere jacques

Killjoys Cast

the guy in the cell next to Dutch sings Frere Jacques to this tune

Frère Jacques


The guy in the cell next to Dutch starts singing about killing Killjoys to the tune of 'Frère Jacques'.

Swipe It Off (feat. Zanillya)

Leo Justi & Brazzabelle - Swipe It Off (feat. Zanillya) - Single

Johnny Dav & Dutch fight Calvert to keep her from finishing off Sparlow

Swipe It Off

Leo Justi - Swipe It Off - Single

Johnny Dav & Dutch fight Calvert to keep her from finishing off Sparlow

Evil Is Always One Step Behind

Pale Seas - Stargazing for Beginners

Dav. Dutch, and Johnny are assigned and taken to new cells

Die Every Day

Tasha The Amazon - Die Every Day

The Lady complains to Khylen about the human emotions she experiences in the body she's wearing

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.