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Too Safe

PUJOL - Ringo, Where Art Thou?

Jay enter the cage, Nick coaches him with a pep talk; Ryan heads up the the doors for his entrance.

God's Gonna Cut You Down

Kevin Lovatt - The Man in Black, Vol. 2

Ryan enters the fighting area where he's checked over then enters the cage.

Boys Can Never Tell

J. Roddy Walston & The Business - Essential Tremors

Jay chokes out Ryan, winning the fight; Ryan is momentarily unconscious; Jay is crowned champion; Ryan leaves the cage; Alicia texts Alvey the results, he beams brightly for Jay for a moment then begins to feel sad for Ryan.

Happy Meets Lucky

Eagle Eye Williamson

Jay listens to Alvey's message congratulating him on his win; Ava makes an entrance in the room wearing lingerie, she and Jay being to have sex.

Wake Up!

Tyke T - The Overlooked

Song played between rounds during Jay and Ryan's fight.

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