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High on a Wire

Black Box Revelation - My Perception

Alvey arrive at the gym; Nate works out with Joe; Shelby brings Alvey coffee and tells him his messages when Jay arrives with a sick Ryan, Alvey then calls for Mac.

On the Line

White Phosphorus - White Phosphorus EP (Bonus Track Edition)

Alicia drives to the restaurant, quickly changes her clothing and make up then goes in to meet Lisa; Lisa talks with Alicia about signing her as they have lunch.


Natural Child - Natural Child - EP

At the new house, Jay & Mac do drugs as they discuss psychology and human nature.

God's Gonna Cut You Down

Johnny Cash - American V: A Hundred Highways

Ryan is introduced then heads out to the ring where Alvey and the crew prep him for the match.  

Ain't Gonna Stop

Natural Child

Garo arrives at Navy St. to meet with Alvey, he informs him that Ryan test positive for cocaine, they then make a deal to bury the test for promotions with Beast. 


Kurbjaw - Kurbjaw - Single

Song blasts on Jay's truck radio as he heads to pick up Ryan for the fight.

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