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The next morning after, Nick and Bo, awakens after spending the night together; Nick makes a confession about who she is as a Warrior, a protector for the wronged and magic.

Nothing Is the Same Now

Claire Wyndham

Henry attempts to tune into emotional connection for Nicky to pull her through the veil between plans to bring her back from the Wasteland Realm; in the Wasteland, Nicky and Zhilan, face off against the Harbinger; Nicky and Zhiland finds themselves with the upper hand against the Harbinger when the Xiao's pendent begins to glow calling Nicky back, a decision must be made.

Next to You

John Vincent III

Jin beings application to run for the City of San Francisco Boards, Commissions, Committees and Task Forces to run against Anthony; Mei-Li finds herself sadden even more at her loss as she finds Sebastian's chef jacket and apron on her office desk; Ryan finds Sebastian in the dark of their apartment, Sebastian breaks down in his arms; Althea and Dennis discuss Dennis' family and how much they need him, Althea convinces him to go back into the fold on his own terms.

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