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Don't Let Love In


Kyle discovers what went wrong with the blender.


Grace Potter and The Nocturnals

Andy gives Josh the money from the tickets; Amanda & Kyle exchange secrets.


The Honorary Title - Scream and Light Up the Sky

Andy & Josh discuss concert tickets; Amanda asks Kyle for assistance.

I Wasn't Ready

Turn Off the Stars - Turn Off the Stars

Josh 'deputizes' Kyle; Jessi helps Kyle fix the blender.

One By One

Unkle Bob - Sugar and Spite

Jessi storms out after Kyle asks her to wait longer; Amanda confronts Kyle about Jessi.

Two Kinds

Film School

Declan gives Kyle advice on girlfriends & fights.

The Lines

The Stereotypes

Lori & Amanda talk; Lori sees Declan with another girl.

Under Starlight

Red Letter Agent - Under Starlight EP

Josh, Amanda & Kyle contemplate who could have stolen the money.

Right Where It Belongs

David Condos - Smoking City

Kyle apologizes to Amanda; she accuses him of not trusting her.

Trouble Sleeping

The Perishers - Music from the O.C. Mix, Vol. 2

Josh debates what to do about the missing money; Kyle asks for Declan's advice; Kyle tells Amanda he wants to talk.

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