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Beldi - Pasaron Cosas

Ewan and Charley set off.


Wolf Alice - My Love Is Cool

When Charlie and Ewan set off from the Eco Camp at Cleopatra's Needles


Karina Vismara - Selva

El Calafate to Tres Lagos

I Should Tell You My Story Myself

Steven Price - Ophelia (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

When Charlie and Ewan are stainding at the oil drum fire in the hostel, 'Las Horquetas' then lamenting on the electric bikes.

Karma Ya Dig!?

Never Not Nothing - Never Not Nothing

Scenic views of Patagonia and the guys riding.

The Answer


The guys set off for the day.


John J Presley - As the Night Draws In

The guys ride too the Eco site.


Rumbo Tumba - Future Sounds of Argentina

Arriving at the eco camp.

Waking Up

Explosions In the Sky - Lone Survivor (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Charly's diary cam footage in the cabin right after checking the bikes charging levels at the Eco-Lodge.

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.