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The Strokes - First Impressions of Earth

After being rudely awakened by Alaska, Pudge and The Colonel begin their day.


50 Cent - Get Rich or Die Tryin'

Pudge gets ready for his date.

Fast Easy Love


In Alaska’s car as she come to pick up Pudge.

Feel Good Inc.


The practical jokes begin between Pudge and his friends and the Weekday Warriors.


Fang - Swim Up Stream

Alaska and The Colonel shop at the thrift shop while Pudge and the gang escalate the pranks against the Weekday Warriors.

Walk Idiot Walk

The Hives - Tyrannosaurus Hives

Alaska, Pudge, and Takumi sneak into the debutant ball as many of the escorts fall victim to the effects of the laxative prank.

Dagger Vision


Pudge and gang make their way to his trial.

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