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Wide Awake

Deep Sea Diver - Secrets

Charlotte interrupts a make-out session with a guy, to rant about Lucifer's lack of contact; Maze tells Charlotte that Lucifer is probably already plotting his revenge.

Done and Dusted

My Jerusalem - A Little Death

Chloe and Dan talk to Ash's band mates, The Heavy Woolies.

It's Ugly

The Obscurities

Lucifer & Candy arrive @ his Penthouse where his mom is

Eternal Flame


00:43 Lucifer dedicates a song to Chloe, then uses it to get the crowd to expose Marla's location.

Eternal Flame (feat. Tom Ellis)

Lucifer Cast

Lucifer dedicates a song to Chloe, then uses the moment to get the crowd to expose Marla's location.

Eternal Flame

The Bangles - The Essential Bangles

When Lucifer plays with the band to look for Marla

Roll With Me

Raphael Lake, Aaron Levy & Dumi Maraire - Garage Blues 4

00:59 215 'Deceptive Little Parasite' promo.

Looking for Knives

Dyan - Looking for Knives

Ending scene with Lucifer revealing Candy's identity.

Roll With Me

Raphael Lake - Garage Blues 4

S2 Ep14 Promo/Preview/Trailer/Sneak Peek "Lucifer is Back"

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