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Modern Man

Ivan & Alyosha - It's All Just Pretend (Deluxe Edition)

Lucifer watches his mum flirt with a guy when Amenadiel comes to inform him that he might be in danger due to Maze being angry with him.

Please Yourself

Ron Gallo - Heavy Meta

City overview; Lucifer plays with his chair in Chloe's office, while waiting for Charlotte to arrive.


Spoon - Hot Thoughts

Charlotte drops by Dan's desk at the precinct.

Bad Girls

MKTO - Bad Girls - EP

Bianca Ruiz's launch party for her Ruiz Real Añejo tequila; Charlotte looks for Chloe when she arrives dressed unlike normal Chloe which impresses Charlotte.

Gonna Have Fun Tonight

Mobius VanChocStraw - Assorted Flavors 1

Chloe questions why Charlotte is helping in the case, then they argue over how to get Chet to talk.

Pure Evil

Baby Strange - Want It Need It

Daniel and Amenadiel have drinks at a bar, Amenadiel reads a flyer for Improv Class that Daniel is trying convince him to take to alleviate his stress when dealing with his family.

Oops!... I Did It Again


00:46 Lucifer changes the melody he's playing when Chloe walks into LUX and asks how he got injured.

Ooops! I Did It Again

Lucifer Cast

Lucifer changes the melody he's playing when Chloe walks into LUX and asks how he got injured.

Cruel Intentions

Valerie Broussard

Charlotte stabbed by Chet; City overshot.

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