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Wedding Day Jitters

John Paesano - Daredevil: Season 3 (Original Soundtrack Album)

00:01 Fisk confesses to Vanessa his fear that he doesn't deserve her; Matt hangs Manning off a building from his ankle.

Dex Plus One

John Paesano - Daredevil: Season 3 (Original Soundtrack Album)

00:23 Dex arrives at the Presidential Hotel with a frozen Julie in the passenger seat of his car.

Cantata, BWV 147, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Jay Michaels - To Thine Own Harp Be True

00:25 The audience claps as Fisk and Vanessa kiss as man and wife.

The Look of Love

Burt Bacharach - What the World Needs Now - Burt Bacharach Classics

00:26 Fisk and Vanessa first dance is interrupted by Rahul's confession video popping up on everyone's phone.

The Funeral

John Paesano - Daredevil: Season 3 (Original Soundtrack Album)

00:42 Matt speaks at Father Lantom's funeral, then tells Karen she helped him see the truth about himself.

Still Stapled Together

John Paesano - Daredevil: Season 3 (Original Soundtrack Album)

00:47 Matt is welcomed to the Nelson family gathering; Foggy tells Theo that he doesn't have to worry about the Red Lion bank problem.

Nelson Murdock and Page

John Paesano - Daredevil: Season 3 (Original Soundtrack Album)

00:50 Karen and Matt agree to Foggy's proposal they run a law firm together again.

Perp Walk

John Paesano - Daredevil: Season 3 (Original Soundtrack Album)

Fisk is taken into police custody as Matt looks on from a rooftop

Not Another Hallway

John Paesano - Daredevil: Season 3 (Original Soundtrack Album)

When Matt refuses to kill Fisk - the song starts playing from 3:55

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.