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A. King Is Born


Gina tries to persuade Luke the head upstairs with her for another tryst as stocks the bar, he rejects her then tells her about her husband hiring a private investigator.

Restaurant Flashback

Sean Callery - Jessica Jones (Original Soundtrack)

00:20 Jessica recalls the bus accident the night that Reva died.

Nurse Jessica

Sean Callery - Jessica Jones (Original Soundtrack)

00:22 Jessica breaks into a hospital locker and dons nurse's scrubs, then attempts to search the computer records.

Looking for Kilgrave-Bus Accident Vision

Sean Callery - Jessica Jones (Original Soundtrack)

00:27 City montage; Jessica takes the subway, then starts reciting her city streets after accidentally smashing a window.

Fight at Luke's Bar

Sean Callery - Jessica Jones (Original Soundtrack)

00:35 Gina warns Jessica that her husband and some of his buddies plan to go after Luke; Jessica arrives just as the fight starts, then assists in knocking out the guys.

Gift from Trish

Sean Callery - Jessica Jones (Original Soundtrack)

00:44 Jessica opens the new Alias Investigations window that Trish had made for her, then calls up Trish.


Sean Callery - Jessica Jones (Original Soundtrack)

00:47 Kilgrave orders the a pair of children in to a closet, then asks their mother what's for dinner; Jessica sees a cochroach crawl out of the drain while she brushes her teeth, then squishes it with her thumb.

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