Drivin' N' Cryin' - Fly Me Courageous
00:15 The Runaways shop for clothes at a thrift shop as Nico questions Chase about his hook-up with Gert; Molly finds a green wig for Gert.
Drivin' N' Cryin' & Audley Freed
The Runaways shop for clothes at a thrift shop as Nico questions Chase about his hook-up with Gert; Molly finds a green wig for Gert.
00:19 The Runaways meet with Vaughn at The Timely Cafe to ask for his help finding Karolina.
Francis and the Lights - Farewell, Starlite!
00:33 The Runaways prepare for a night in the park; Alex asks Nico if she's ever call her parents; Nico tells Karolina she didn't want to leave without her, then they kiss; the group notices that Alex is missing.
Hundred Waters - Communicating
00:43 Nico awakens and notices that Alex has returned; Alex shows Nico the roll of money he got from his 'friend'; continues as the group runs from the bus depot.
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