Kaskade - Atmosphere (Deluxe Version)
At ALPHA, singles connect using microbiome wrist links; Vega go over her rules with Dash and gives him a sick stick then heads to the bar; Dash spots the victim; Vega spots their possible killer.
Kaskade - Atmosphere (Remixes), Pt. 2 - Single
At ALPHA, singles connect using microbiome wrist links; Vega go over her rules with Dash then heads to the bar. Dash spots the victim; Vega spots their possible killer.
At the bar at ALPHA, Vega and Dash take about finding their victim before Vega heads to the bathroom leaving Dash to look for their victim.
Back at ALPHA, Vega & Dash stake out for their killer, as they do Vega talks to Dash about the first time she killed someone as he reads Tyson's pickup book.
Oliver - Light Years Away - Single
At ALPHA, Vega & Dash search for Blanca Garcia through the crowd when Vega spots her, they then debate on telling her; Blake arrives, Vega pushes Dash away as they talk; Dash gets Blanca to leave.
Black Boots - Sex Cult (Remixes) - EP
Vega & Dash chase Harlan through ALPHA as he and Vega partake in a shoot out, Dash directs her using his precognitive vision when her night vision is taken out by the flash of strobe lights.
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